Archive | Just a Thought

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Come Sail Away With Me

The unmistakable sound of the school bus was the last thing I wanted to hear this morning, especially after my repeated requests for Griffen to stop piddling and get ready, but we both recognized it as it roared past our house. He insisted that we could catch it at the next stop, so we hurried […]

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Blending In

I have always loved my little solo day trips to New Orleans. Simply ambling around the uneven streets of this beautiful, historic city with no distractions, no responsibilities and no one but myself to entertain, satisfies that selfish part of me that craves alone time, at least temporarily. I can go where I want…do what […]

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Celebrating Mom in New Orleans

    There aren’t many things much better, in my opinion, than spending a spring-like day in the French Quarter, especially when it’s all dressed up for Mardi Gras. It’s fun to go with a friend or two, but I have absolutely no qualms about walking around New Orleans by myself. Maybe I’m a little […]

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Surviving Snowmageddon

Well, it’s here…Snowmageddon…or Sneauxmageddon as we call it down here. Temperatures have dropped below freezing, and the wind is blowing. Sleet, and even a little snow if you squint just right, have begun to fall. It is cold for South Louisiana, no doubt, and it has gotten messy enough that I don’t want to be […]

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Oh Warm Weather … How I Miss You

Anyone who knows me very well is probably familiar with my feelings about cold weather. If, however, you have somehow missed my numerous posts, comments, and general complaining, let me just say that I hate it. I can’t think of much that I dislike more than being cold, aside from being wet and cold. I […]

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