Archive | Music Festivals


Post-Fest Blues

Ever get the holiday blues? You’ve wrapped up the Thanksgiving and Christmas festivities, and while there are exciting possibilities for the new year, there’s that inevitable letdown. The “what now?” lull. I used to fall victim to this…then I moved to New Orleans. It’s difficult to be too blue with King cakes filling every grocery […]

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Festin’ in the Rain

When you live in South Louisiana in early May, your two weather choices are basically hot and sunny or rainy, which can turn into hot and sunny (and steamy) in an instant. We’ve been lucky the past few Jazzfests. I really only remember one rainy day in the three years prior to this one. Sunday, […]

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Jazzfest Magic In the Gospel Tent

Anyone who has ever been to Jazzfest, or likely any music festival, knows to not necessarily expect, but to hope for a “moment”…one of those times during a show or a song where something magical happens, the music takes you over, and you are forever changed in some small way. I’ve experienced a few of […]

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