Archive | New Orleans Life


100% Chance of Fun

This blog was originally posted five years ago, but as rain and Jazzfest go hand-and-hand, I have found myself tweaking and reposting it almost annually. And with Jazzfest 2019 beginning tomorrow, and a 90% chance of rain in the forecast, it seems necessary to post it once again.   The countdown is over! Jazzfest 2019 […]

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A Beginner’s Guide to Parading

I realized today that at least half of my readers (which is probably about 3 people) are not from the New Orleans area and have likely never experienced a Mardi Gras parade, so for those of you unfamiliar with how things work down here, I put together a little Mardi Gras parade primer…just a few […]

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Searching for NOLA’s Most Unique Homes

If you check out the Instagram feed of any local photo bug, you will likely see the same ten to fifteen houses sprinkled throughout their feed. Don’t get me wrong, there are hundreds of incredible houses in the area worthy of posting, but these “superstar” houses, usually brightly colored or having some uniquely ornate details, […]

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